Sabtu, 07 Mei 2016

Tugas softskill b.inggris bisnis 2

1.      1. What couldn’t you do when you were a child that you can do now ?
when I was a kid, I could not do feed themselves and bathe themselves all need help from others and now I can do it all by yourself if it is too complicated I still need help from another. and when I keil all decisions wish my parents were set up but after I grew my decision and I want to own.

2.  2.     In order to have a healthier life, what should you do less or more?
Answer :
if you want a healthy life everything has to be more regularly from the diet, sleep, exercise all must be done on a regular basis should not be indiscriminate eating eat less associated with junk food or smelling coconut milk and spicy because it can cause disease. okay as long as not too often , sports familiarize minimum once a week to keep the body fit and healthy .

3.   3.    List some of the things you must and you mustn’t do in your classroom ?
Answer :
which is done in the classroom I always consider what is conveyed by lecturers and do what is in perintahkannya such as tasks and other things . I've never done in class is currently studying hours started I never joke and did a silly thing.

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